Monday, January 7, 2008

Clinton on the ropes in New Hampshire

Could it be this easy? One bad night in Iowa and another in New Hampshire to knock out the "inevitable" Democratic candidate? How is this possible? How did this happen? Just a couple months ago, we were all assuming that there was no way to stop the Clinton machine. Now, all of a sudden, she is on the verge of suffering a second nearly fatal blow to her candidacy.

When you look closely at the candidate Hillary Clinton, it's not too hard to understand why she would be having trouble against someone like Barack Obama. It's very simple, really, she's just not likable! She comes across as a phony and she can't pull it off the way her husband could. I'm just surprised that apparently enough Democrats have figured this out as well, choosing to go with the fresh new face of "hope and opportunity."

I have to admit, part of me is a little disappointed that Hillary's campaign seems to be in free-fall. I was looking forward to the Republican nominee beating her this fall and putting a final nail into the Clinton machine while retaining the White House for the GOP. While the "nail" may be coming sooner than expected, the GOP chances of keeping the presidency are far worse going up against Obama.

Unlike Clinton, Obama is a very likable candidate with a positive message and a great delivery to the message. He excites alot of young people who are yearning for a change in America. He also seems to have honor and integrity and, even though he would be the first African-American president, he doesn't wear his race on his sleeve.

The GOP nominee is going to face an uphill battle against Obama. There wont be this evil Hillary figure to motivate the base to come out and vote. The GOP candidate is going to have to be a likable and credible candidate that can beat Obama on the issues.

As for Hillary, I wouldn't totally count her out just yet. This has been a crazy presidential primary already, with many surprises. The Clinton machine has been preparing for eight years for this chance to get back into power. They're not going to surrender to a U.S. senator with two years of national political experience without a fight. In order for Clinton to recover, they need to start by winning tonight in New Hampshire.

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